05-31-12 Thursday

5, 3, 1 Protocol Week 4: De-loading (Refer to this link for an overview of your 5, 3, 1 program)

Main Lift:

Deadlift (3 warm-up sets, 3 work sets @ listed % of max)
Set 1: 40% x 5
Set 2: 50% x 5
Set 3: 60% x 5

Accessory work: (rest 1-2min between sets or superset)

Good Morning - 5 sets of 12 reps
Hanging Leg Raise - 5 sets of 15 reps

Metcon (optional or sub for accessory work): 4 rounds of the following

-5 power cleans 135lbs
-10 Sumo deadlift high pull 53lbs
-15 Kettlebell swings 53lbs


05-30-12 Wednesday

5, 3, 1 Protocol Week 4: De-loading (Refer to this link for an overview of your 5, 3, 1 program)

Main Lift:

Overhead Press (3 warm-up sets, 3 work sets @ listed % of max)
Set 1: 40% x 5
Set 2: 50% x 5
Set 3: 60% x 5

Accessory work: (rest 1-2min between sets or superset)

Dips - 5 x 15
Chin ups - 5 sets of 10 reps

Metcon (optional or sub for accessory work): 21, 15, 9

-kipping pull-ups
-dumbbell hang power clean (from above knee) to push-press


05-29-12 Tuesday

5, 3, 1 Protocol Week 4: De-loading (Refer to this link for an overview of your 5, 3, 1 program)

Main Lift:

Squat (3 warm-up sets, 3 work sets @ listed % of max)
Set 1: 40% x 5
Set 2: 50% x 5
Set 3: 60% x 5

Metcon: 10! (10,9,8...etc.) Chipper (warm-up 5 mins w/ clean and jerk first)

-10 body weight clean/jerk
-10 body weight front squat
-10 36'' box jump
-10 body weight sumo deadlift


05-28-12 Monday

5, 3, 1 Protocol Week 4: De-loading (Refer to this link for an overview of your 5, 3, 1 program)

Main Lift:

Bench Press (3 warm-up sets, 3 work sets @ listed % of max)
Set 1: 40% x 5
Set 2: 50% x 5
Set 3: 60% x 5

Accessory work: (rest 1-2min between sets or superset)

Dumbbell Bench Press - 5 x 15
Dumbbell Row - 5 sets of 10 reps

Metcon: 10! (10,9,8...etc.)
-ring rows
-ring dips


05-24-12 Thursday

5, 3, 1 Protocol Week 3:(Refer to this link for an overview of your 5, 3, 1 program)

Main Lift:

Deadlift (3 warm-up sets, 3 work sets @ listed % of max)
Set 1: 75% x 5
Set 2: 85% x 3
Set 3: 95% x 1+

^When you see 5+, 3+, or 1+, that means you do the max reps you can

Accessory work: (rest 1-2min between sets or superset)

Good Morning - 5 sets of 12 reps
Hanging Leg Raise - 5 sets of 15 reps

Metcon (optional or sub for accessory work): 4 rounds of the following:

-10 barbell hang power cleans (95lbs)
-10 barbell SDLHP
-rest 1 min between rounds


05-23-12 Wednesday

5, 3, 1 Protocol Week 3:(Refer to this link for an overview of your 5, 3, 1 program)

Main Lift:

Overhead Press (3 warm-up sets, 3 work sets @ listed % of max)
Set 1: 75% x 5
Set 2: 85% x 3
Set 3: 95% x 1+

^When you see 5+, 3+, or 1+, that means you do the max reps you can
Accessory work: (rest 1-2min between sets or superset)

Dips - 5 x 15
Chin ups - 5 sets of 10 reps

Metcon (optional or sub for accessory work): 5 rounds of 15's

-15 kipping pull-ups
-15 kettlebell swings (53)
-15 dumbbell push-press (35-45)


05-22-12 Tuesday

5, 3, 1 Protocol Week 3:(Refer to this link for an overview of your 5, 3, 1 program)

Main Lift:

Back Squat (3 warm-up sets, 3 work sets @ listed % of max)
Set 1: 75% x 5
Set 2: 85% x 3
Set 3: 95% x 1+

^When you see 5+, 3+, or 1+, that means you do the max reps you can

Metcon (optional or sub for accessory work): 5 rounds of the following:

-10 thursters (95lbs)
-3 turkish get-ups (35lbs) each side


05-21-12 Monday

5, 3, 1 Protocol Week 3:(Refer to this link for an overview of your 5, 3, 1 program)

Main Lift:

Bench Press (3 warm-up sets, 3 work sets @ listed % of max)
Set 1: 75% x 5
Set 2: 85% x 3
Set 3: 95% x 1+

^When you see 5+, 3+, or 1+, that means you do the max reps you can

Accessory work: (rest 1-2min between sets or superset)

Dumbbell Bench Press - 5 x 15
Dumbbell Row - 5 sets of 10 reps

Metcon: 4 rounds:
-8 reps bodyweight bench OR 8 reps @ 135lbs if you can't get 8 reps of b.w.
-8 reps weighted pull-ups w/ 40lbs between feet


05-18-12 Friday

Open Gym

Make up a 5,3,1 lift or try the following:

 * Clean 135 lbs
 * Ring Dips

21-15-9 reps, for time

05-17-12 Thursday

5, 3, 1 Protocol Week 2:(Refer to this link for an overview of your 5, 3, 1 program)

Main Lift:

Deadlift (3 warm-up sets, 3 work sets @ listed % of max)
Set 1: 70% x 5
Set 2: 80% x 5
Set 3: 90% x 5+

^When you see 5+, 3+, or 1+, that means you do the max reps you can

Accessory work: (rest 1-2min between sets or superset)

Good Morning - 5 sets of 12 reps
Hanging Leg Raise - 5 sets of 15 reps

Metcon (optional or sub for accessory work): 

"Diane" 21, 15, 9 of the following:

-Deadlifts 225lbs
-Handstand push-ups


05-16-12 Wednesday

5, 3, 1 Protocol Week 2:(Refer to this link for an overview of your 5, 3, 1 program)

Main Lift:

Overhead Press (3 warm-up sets, 3 work sets @ listed % of max)
Set 1: 70% x 3
Set 2: 80% x 3
Set 3: 90% x 3+

^When you see 5+, 3+, or 1+, that means you do the max reps you can

Accessory work: (rest 1-2min between sets or superset)

Dips - 5 x 15
Chin ups - 5 sets of 10 reps

Metcon (optional or sub for accessory work): 10! 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5...

-Kipping pull-ups
-One arm kettlebell swings alternating


05-15-12 Tuesday

5, 3, 1 Protocol Week 2: (Refer to this link for an overview of your 5, 3, 1 program)

Main Lift:

Back Squat (3 warm-up sets, 3 work sets @ listed % of max)
Set 1: 70% x 3
Set 2: 80% x 3
Set 3: 90% x 3+

^When you see 5+, 3+, or 1+, that means you do the max reps you can

Metcon (optional or sub for accessory work): 4 rounds of the following:

-5 Back squat (135lbs)
-10 box jumps (24'')
-Rest 1min after each round

05-14-12 Monday

5, 3, 1 Protocol Week 2:(Refer to this link for an overview of your 5, 3, 1 program)

Main Lift:

Bench Press (3 warm-up sets, 3 work sets @ listed % of max)
Set 1: 70% x 3
Set 2: 80% x 3
Set 3: 90% x 3+

^When you see 5+, 3+, or 1+, that means you do the max reps you can

Accessory work: (rest 1-2min between sets or superset)

Dumbbell Bench Press - 5 x 15
Dumbbell Row - 5 sets of 10 reps

Metcon: 10! (10,9,8...)
-ring push-ups
-kipping pull-ups


05-10-12 Thursday

5, 3, 1 Protocol Week 1:(Refer to this link for an overview of your 5, 3, 1 program)

Main Lift:

Deadlift (3 warm-up sets, 3 work sets @ listed % of max)
Set 1: 65% x 5
Set 2: 75% x 5
Set 3: 85% x 5+

^When you see 5+, 3+, or 1+, that means you do the max reps you can

Accessory work: (rest 1-2min between sets or superset)

Good Morning - 5 sets of 12 reps
Hanging Leg Raise - 5 sets of 15 reps

Metcon (optional or sub for accessory work): 5 rounds of the following:

-5 per side dumbbell snatch (40lbs)
-10 knees to elbows


05-09-12 Wednesday

5, 3, 1 Protocol Week 1:(Refer to this link for an overview of your 5, 3, 1 program)

Main Lift:

Overhead Press (3 warm-up sets, 3 work sets @ listed % of max)
Set 1: 65% x 5
Set 2: 75% x 5
Set 3: 85% x 5+

^When you see 5+, 3+, or 1+, that means you do the max reps you can

Accessory work: (rest 1-2min between sets or superset)

Dips - 5 x 15
Chin ups - 5 sets of 10 reps

Metcon (optional or sub for accessory work): 5rounds of the following:

-5 push-press (95lbs)
-10 inverted ring rows
-15 sit-ups


05-08-12 Tuesday

5, 3, 1 Protocol Week 1:(Refer to this link for an overview of your 5, 3, 1 program)

Main Lift:

Back Squat (3 warm-up sets, 3 work sets @ listed % of max)
Set 1: 65% x 5
Set 2: 75% x 5
Set 3: 85% x 5+

^When you see 5+, 3+, or 1+, that means you do the max reps you can

Metcon (optional or sub for accessory work): 4 rounds of the following:

-1 Snatch then 2 OHS (95lbs)
-5 burpees


05-07-12 Monday

Re-establish your 5,3,1 weights and start a new cycle

5, 3, 1 Protocol Week 1:(Refer to this link for an overview of your 5, 3, 1 program)

Main Lift:

Bench Press (3 warm-up sets, 3 work sets @ listed % of max)
Set 1: 65% x 5
Set 2: 75% x 5
Set 3: 85% x 5+

^When you see 5+, 3+, or 1+, that means you do the max reps you can

Accessory work: (rest 1-2min between sets or superset)

Dumbbell Bench Press - 5 x 15
Dumbbell Row - 5 sets of 10 reps

Metcon: 3 rounds of the following:

-1 minute AMRAP kipping pull-ups
rest 30 seconds
-1 minute AMRAP push-ups
rest 30 seconds
-1 minute AMRAP power clean (135 or 95)

rest 30 seconds / repeat

Attention O-Lifters

What time on Thursday is best for you (or possible) to meet with Tom?

Post times to comments.


05-04-12 Friday

Open Gym

Make up a 5,3,1 Lift or perform the following:

* 1000 meter row
* Thruster 45 lbs (50 reps)
* Pull-ups (30 reps)

For time


05-03-12 Thursday

5, 3, 1 Protocol Week 3:(Refer to this link for an overview of your 5, 3, 1 program)

Main Lift:

Deadlift (3 warm-up sets, 3 work sets @ listed % of max)
Set 1: 75% x 5
Set 2: 85% x 3
Set 3: 95% x 1+

^When you see 5+, 3+, or 1+, that means you do the max reps you can

Accessory work:

Deadlift - 5 x 10 at 50%
Hanging Leg Raise - 5 sets of 15 reps

Metcon (optional or sub for accessory work): 4 rounds

-50 double unders
-25 Kettlebell swings (go heavy)


05-02-12 Wednesday

5, 3, 1 Protocol Week 3:(Refer to this link for an overview of your 5, 3, 1 program)

Main Lift:

Overhead Press (3 warm-up sets, 3 work sets @ listed % of max)
Set 1: 75% x 5
Set 2: 85% x 3
Set 3: 95% x 1+

^When you see 5+, 3+, or 1+, that means you do the max reps you can

Accessory work:

Overhead Press - 5 x 10 at 50%
Chin ups - 5 sets of 10 reps

Metcon (optional or sub for accessory work): 4 rounds

-10 weighted chin-ups (30lbs dumbbell)
-10 barbbell hang power clean to push-press (95lbs+)
-5 medicine ball slams

05-01-12 Tuesday

5, 3, 1 Protocol Week 3: (Refer to this link for an overview of your 5, 3, 1 program)

Main Lift:

Squat (3 warm-up sets, 3 work sets @ listed % of max)
Set 1: 75% x 5
Set 2: 85% x 3
Set 3: 95% x 1+

^When you see 5+, 3+, or 1+, that means you do the max reps you can

Accessory work: (rest 1-2min between sets or superset)

Squat - 5 x 10 at 50%
Leg Curl - 5 sets of 10 reps

Metcon (optional or sub for accessory work):8,7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 of the following

Handstand push-ups (sub 16, 14, 12, 10, etc. reg. push-ups)
High box jumps
Lunges with bumper plate overhead (starting w/ 8 reps per side)