07-12-12 Thursday

5, 3, 1 Protocol Week 2:(Refer to this link for an overview of your 5, 3, 1 program)

Main Lift:

Deadlift (3 warm-up sets, 3 work sets @ listed % of max)
Set 1: 70% x 3
Set 2: 80% x 3
Set 3: 90% x 3+

^When you see 5+, 3+, or 1+, that means you do the max reps you can

Accessory work: (rest 1-2min between sets or superset)

Good Morning - 5 sets of 12 reps
Hanging Leg Raise - 5 sets of 15 reps

Metcon (optional or sub for accessory work): Use a weight that you can perform the movements quickly and correctly. Weight should be around or above 95lbs.

Complete the following 5x:

-2 Snatch grip RDL
-2 Power snatch (keep the bar overhead and go right into overhead squats after 2nd rep)
-2 Overhead squat
-drop the bar and do 5 burpees
-rest 30 seconds and repeat



  1. I was just curious as to why Crossfit Ithaca closed, and if there is any plan to open up again. Started crossfit this summer with my twins sister (both Cornell students) and would love to continue when we get back to school.

  2. Crossfit Ithaca close because Clea left the area for peace corps. At the moment I have a friend that is planning on opening one in September in Ithaca. Please email me or check the site for information when this date approaches. I will officially announce any Crossfit gym openings on this website.
