09-01-2011 Thursday

Upperbody Push Workout from Joey

Hey everyone, this workout will incorporate a new movement to the training cycle that many of you haven't done a cycle of yet. The bench press! For those of you who are new to the bench press and unsure about what weight to use, go light and focus on really great form (grip should be just slightly wider than shoulder width), and avoid going heavy. For those more experienced benchers, go back to a higher volume phase and focus on explosive power when you push the bar off your chest.

Warm up:

Shoulder circles, over and backs, 5 inchworms, 5 burpees

2x through:

-10 push-ups (vary position hands in/out)
-10 one armed K.B. swings to eye level (20-35lbs) per side
-5 K.B. crunches per side (first part of turkish get-up: keep K.B. overhead and crunch to side)

Lift: Bench Press/ Close grip Dumbbell Press

3 x 12 reps @ light-moderate intensity; rest 1-2 min between sets

then do 2 x 20 reps of close grip dumbbell bench press. Select a light weight (10-20lbs), palms facing each other, press the dumbbells up and immediately lower them back down to armpit level. Keep elbows tucked in, this will target the triceps well and supplement the bench.

METCON: AMRAP 6mins "Ray Charles" (have never had any workouts named after jazz musicians...hey why not?)

-10 dumbbell hang power cleans (go moderate weight, focus on speed)
-10 dumbbell push-presses
-6 per leg dumbbell lunges (weight at side, lunges are in place alternating)

^ Try to go as many rounds as possible without dropping dumbbells on floor. Ray Charles never dropped his dumbbells for fear he would misplace them and trip over them at a later time.

Isometric shoulder stability work:

-3 x 45seconds: hold push-up position with strict plank form, bending elbows only slightly...rest 30 sec in between sets.


-Chest stretch (lying down on ground drive up on one side), lacrosse ball rolling on pecs, miscellaneous stretching


08-31-2011 Wednesday

Workout from Crossfit South Brooklyn

Warm ups:
3 Rounds of:

15 Hollow Rocks

15 Air Squats

5 Push-Ups

5 strict Pull-Ups

6 kip swings

Get some kettle bell swing warm ups and some ring push ups.

15 Minutes :

20 KB Swings 1.5pd
10 Ring Push-Ups

Cool Down:

Get the lacrosse ball between your scapula and spine and find a good spot to roll for 2 minutes. Get some shoulder mobility with the lacrosse ball as well. Grab a PVC and get some lat stretches as well.

08-30-2011 Tuesday

Warm up:
Leg swings, arm rotations along with elbow and wrist rotations, over and head.
3 rounds of:
5 bridge ups to 20 sec bridge hold, 30 sec prone plank, 8 reverse lunges/leg, 10-15 kipping swings
Get some PVC stretching and some overhead squatting with PVC

30 reps for time
Clean and Jerk (135/95)

Cool Down:
Shoulder stretching: Get your lats stretched out with the band, use the lacrosse ball and work on our shoulder and elbow.

08-29-2011 Monday

Warm up:
Get some jump rope/rowing/running for 2 mins. Shoulder and elbow circles, inchworm, bear crawl,deep lunges, cat and cow, scorpions.

Back Squat:
Five attempts to find a 3 rep max! Take 3-4 mins break between each lift, try going heavy!

Max kipping pull ups or dead hangpull ups.

Cool down:
Quad stretch by the wall (2 mins each), lacrosse ball on knee.

08-28-2011 Sunday

Rest Day

Stretch if you have a stiff back.
Any suggestions on what would be a good workout that we could call 'IRENE'?
For us it was mostly gloomy and windy, maybe we could think of something that involved Sprints?

08-27-2011 Saturday

Rebekah Lesmes (who has been doing Crossfit for a bit and is interested in working out/train with us) has planned a workout for Saturday!

WHAT: Intense interval/circuit training (She likes to surprise people)

WHEN: Saturday 10am

WHERE: Cornell University Outdoor track/field on WING DR

Bring a friend and a timing device if you have one.
We had a very fun workout this a.m.!!

Warm-up:  shuffles, grapevines, high knees, butt kicks, spiderman stretches, hamstring stretches
Then: 3 rounds of 5 burpees, 10 jumping jacks, 10 sit-ups.

WOD: AMRAP in 20 minutes
200 meter run
24 walking lunges
12 v-ups
10 push-ups

Thanks Rebekah!

8-26-2011 Friday

Make-up a lift or any workout you missed out this week.

Make sure you stretch your psoas, quads and hamstrings.
Check out the MobilityWOD by Kelly Starrett about Front rack position. Those who complain of pain in wrist, this is a good video to understand how to maintain a neutral wrist position during front squat or progressing into doing a jerk.

Enjoy your Champagne Friday!!

8-25-2011 Thursday

Warm up:
10 total-Arm rotations , hip rotations, knee rotations, good mornings
Back mobility - Hollow rocking, roll over V-sits, cat and cow followed by leg circles in same position (which is called fire hydrant circles), deep lunges (5 each leg with rotation), 10 plank to squat position.
Kettlebell swings (light weight) - one arm switch over, some juggling and # 8s.

Six sets of: (This workout is from Crossfit Invictus (CFSBK has back squats which we already did on Monday))
Set 1 – 6 reps
Set 2 – 4 reps
Set 3 – 2 reps
Set 4 – 6 reps
Set 5 – 4 reps
Set 6 – 2 reps
(Loading example – 315 x 6, 345 x 4, 375 x 2, 320 x 6, 350 x 4, 380 x 2)
Rest 4 minutes between sets, and use that time to work on appropriate skill work on the rings – muscle-ups, ring dips, band assisted transitions, ring pull-ups, etc….;

Three rounds for time of:
20 Pull-Ups
40 Kettlebell Swings (53/35 lbs)

Cool Down:
Hamstring stretch with band 2 mins each leg. Hip stretching 1 min each leg.

8-24-2011 Wednesday

5 minutes of jump rope: singles, one leg, cross-overs, and other playing around
3 sets of: 5 inchworms, 5-10 kipping swings, 5 light kettlebell swings
Running warmup: walking leg swings, high knees, butt kicks, then a jog around the building

WOD (sticking with the CFSBK blog, 2 days behind): Helen
3 rounds for time of:
Run 400m
21 kettlebell swings, 1.5p/1p
12 pull-ups

FYI, using the advanced method known as "counting paces", I determined tonight that one lap around the perimeter of UA is approximately 203 meters. I walked on the sidewalk wherever there's sidewalk (except where there's a tree in the way) and otherwise stayed reasonably close to the wall.

Partner hamstring stretch, 2min per leg
Shoulder oscillations with lacrosse ball, 2min per shoulder

8-23-2011 TUESDAY

Warm ups: Shoulder mobility along with lying on your stomach and pushing your arms up and moving the arms closer t your head and 3 rounds of: 2 min practicing free handstands, 30 sec supine plank,15 Air squats.

5 Rounds for time of:
7 Squat Clean Thrusters
30 Double Unders

After this workout we should stretch our calves cos they will be hurting and also do pigeon post either on the ground of using a bench.
I think this week we will try and keep one time and see what works out. But I will make sure to mail the workout the day before.


Please offer any/all suggestions for formatting, etc. here.  Happy to add any features to this blog that you all think would be useful/helpful.