08-23-12 Thursday

Lift: Deadlift

10 @ 65%
8 @ 75%
8 @ 80%
6 @ 85%
4 @ 90%
2 @ 95 %

Metcon: Chipper

-30 KB swings
-30 walking barbbell lunges w/ 95lbs (15 per side)
-30 hanging leg raises
-30 double unders


08-22-12 Wednesday

Lift: Push-press

warm-up, then 5x3 from the rack using 10lbs more than last week

Metcon: "Grace" -- 30 reps for time

-Clean and Jerk 135 lbs


08-21-12 Tuesday

Lift: Back Squat (95%)

2 every 1.5 mins for 6 sets

Metcon: 4 rounds

-10 thrusters (95lbs)
-10 kipping pull-ups


08-20-12 Monday

Lift: Bench Press 5x5 @85% followed by 2x20 light close grip barbbell bench add 5-10lbs from last week

Metcon: 5 rounds

-30 push-ups
-500m row

-20 push-ups
-500m row
-10 push-ups
-500m row


08-16-12 Thursday


-Snatch 6x2 ascending @ 85%
-4x3 snatch grip RDL @ 110%
-4x2 clean high pulls
-4x3 clean grip RDL @ 110%
-Clean and Jerk 6x2 ascending @ 85%

Metcon: 4 rounds

-2 OHS (95lbs+)
-4 hand stand push-ups
-6 toes to bar
-20 double unders


08-15-12 Wednesday

Lift: Push-press

warm-up, then 5x3 from the rack

Metcon: Chipper

-25 calories row
-30  wall-ball shot
-40 empty bar push-press
-50 sit-ups


08-14-12 Tuesday

Lift: Back Squat

5x5 @85% then 2 sets of 15 reps @ 60% max

Metcon: 4 rounds
-20 box jumps 
-8 deadhang pull-ups


08-13-12 Monday

Lift: Bench Press 5x5 @85% followed by 2x20 light close grip barbbell bench add 5-10lbs from last week

Metcon: 5 rounds

-15 push-ups
-10 KB swings
-5 hang power cleans @ 135lbs


08-09-12 Thursday


-Snatch till you miss twice (start out in 2's)
-4x3 snatch grip RDL
-Clean and Jerk till you miss twice
-Front Squat 5x2 ascending to 95%

Metcon: Chipper

-50 push-press barbell
-40 sit-ups
-30 wall ball
-20 calories rowing erg
-10 deadlift 225lbs


08-08-12 Wednesday

Lift: Press 5x3 @ 90%

Metcon: From Crossfit Football

Complete 3 rounds:
 -DB Thrusters 50 lbs for 1 minute
 Rest 1 minute
-Toes to Bar for 1 minute
 Rest 1 minute
-Row for Calories 1 minute
 Rest 1 minute
 -Burpees for 1 minute


08-07-12 Tuesday

Lift: Squat 5x5 @85%

Metcon: 5 rounds

-3 OHS (95lbs)
-10 hanging leg raises
-10 wall ball shots


08-06-12 Monday

Lift: Bench Press 5x5 @85% followed by 2x20 light close grip barbbell bench

Metcon: 6 rounds

-5 burpee box jumps
-5 wall-ball shot
-rest 30 seconds


08-05-12 Sunday

Rest Day

One of our own, Adam Fisher, and his daughter Ruby made the Crossfitfootball mainsite!

08-04-12 Saturday

Congratulations everyone who participated in the 31 heroes workout yesterday at Island and around the world.

08-02-12 Thursday

Lift: Deadlift

warm-up, then @ 90-95%
2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2 (8x2) -- every minute

Metcon: 5 rounds

-5 hang power snatch 65lbs
-10 KB swings (53lbs)
-20 double unders


08-01-12 Wednesday

Lift: Press

warm-up, then @ 90-95%
2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2 (8x2)

Metcon: every minute on the minute for 8 mins

-3 muscle ups
-3 handstand push-ups


07-31-12 Tuesday

Lift: Back Squat

take time to find a new max
65% x 5
75% x 2
85% x 2
95% x 1
100+% x 1

Metcon: 5 rounds

-20 air squats
-10 dumbbell hang power snatch
-5 toes to bar


07-30-12 Monday

Lift: Bench Press

take time to find a new max
65% x 5
75% x 2
85% x 2
95% x 1
100+% x 1

Metcon: 5 rounds

-20 push-ups
-15 kipping pull-ups
-10 hollow rocks