11-28-2011 Monday

5, 3, 1 Protocol Week 1:

Refer to this link (save to your favorites and register) to figure out % of your lifts and get an overview of your 5, 3, 1 program. Figure this out before you come into the gym.

Warm up:
jump-rope, kipping pull ups

Main Lift:

Bench Press (3 warm-up sets, 3 work sets @ listed % of max)
Set 1: 65% x 5
Set 2: 75% x 5
Set 3: 85% x 5+

^When you see 5+, 3+, or 1+, that means you do the max reps you can manage with that weight, with the goal of setting a rep record in each workout. This is the way we measure progress instead of absolute 1RM, so RECORD THIS!

Accessory work: (go light, rest 1-2min between sets)

-Dumbbell Bench Press - 5 sets of 15 reps
-Dumbbell Row - 5 sets of 10 reps

Metcon (optional or sub for accessory work): 5 rounds

-20 double unders
-5 jumping chest to bar pull-ups...go for high bar

Stretch: foam roll, pec stretch and lacrosse roll.

More info on Wendler's 5, 3, 1:

Each training cycle lasts four weeks, with these set-rep goals for each major lift:

Week 1:
Week 2:
Week 3:
Week 4:

This workout is best for 4 days a week, but can be done 3x a week, just get all 4 main lifts in per week.

An essential read for following this programming:

Link to more info on 5, 3, 1 from a T-Nation interview w/ Wendler



  1. Bench press

    Set 1 145 lbs x 5
    Set 2 170 lbs x 5
    Set 3 190 lbs x 5+ (got to 7 reps)

    Dumbbell Bench Press - 5x15 reps @ 35lbs
    Dumbbell Row - 5x10 reps @ 35lbs

  2. Bench Press:
    70x5, 80x5, 90x6

    Doing the bodyweight accessory work:
    pull-ups with two tiny red bands: 5x5
    push-ups: 5x6

    Workout in about 7min with the lowest bar against the wall by the boxing ring

  3. woops, I meant 90x8 for bench press

  4. 110x5,125x5,140x11

    dumbell bench press 5x15 reps @30
    dumbell row 5x10 reps @25

  5. Bench Press:
    70 lbs × 5
    95 lbs × 5
    105 lbs × 5
    115 lbs × 5
    130 lbs × 5
    150 lbs × 5 (Could have done more, but forgot about the 5+ clause!!)

    Did Olympic lifts with Tom.
    Power Clean, Front Squat, Jerk (70%, 4 × 2)
    65 lbs × 3
    95 lbs × 5
    115 lbs × 2
    135 lbs × 4 × 2

    Clean Jerk (80%, 2 × 2)
    155 lbs × 2 × 2

    High Pulls (105%, 2 × 3)
    205 lbs × 2 × 3

    RDL (110 %, 1 × 4)
    215 lbs × 1 × 4

    Shrugs (120%, 1 × 8)
    235 lbs × 1 × 8
