08-31-2011 Wednesday

Workout from Crossfit South Brooklyn

Warm ups:
3 Rounds of:

15 Hollow Rocks

15 Air Squats

5 Push-Ups

5 strict Pull-Ups

6 kip swings

Get some kettle bell swing warm ups and some ring push ups.

15 Minutes :

20 KB Swings 1.5pd
10 Ring Push-Ups

Cool Down:

Get the lacrosse ball between your scapula and spine and find a good spot to roll for 2 minutes. Get some shoulder mobility with the lacrosse ball as well. Grab a PVC and get some lat stretches as well.


  1. 7 rounds with 1pd and regular push-ups. Got all the swings unbroken, broke push-ups into 2's and 1's, alternating 2's with wide elbows and 1's with elbows at sides. This is a good workout b/c if you use your arms for the swings you can't do the push-ups!

  2. 15 min AMRAP:
    Used 50 lbs KB and for ring push ups used 18" box for elevated ring push ups.
    I think I got 7 rounds and 20 KB swings. It was a good workout. Kept the push ups legit.

  3. 53 lb KB, got 8 rounds exactly. Had to really use the legs on the swings so I wasn't burnt out for the pushups!
