8-26-2011 Friday

Make-up a lift or any workout you missed out this week.

Make sure you stretch your psoas, quads and hamstrings.
Check out the MobilityWOD by Kelly Starrett about Front rack position. Those who complain of pain in wrist, this is a good video to understand how to maintain a neutral wrist position during front squat or progressing into doing a jerk.

Enjoy your Champagne Friday!!

1 comment:

  1. Noon open gym with Jim!

    Some jumping rope then lots of leg/hip warm-up (lunges, squats, cossacks, fire hydrants, leg swings, box jumps, a few overhead squats with PVC).

    Back squat:: 3-3-3-3-3
    155x3 (previous 1 RM, on 6/15/11)
    165x1, fail on 2

    Then alternated dead hang pull-ups with handstand practice against the wall plus a free-standing headstand and some wall running. Accumulated about 8 pull-ups total. Did one chin-up too but it really hurt my elbows, which is thing lately when I do chin-ups.

    Did some pigeon pose, hip stretching, and Samson stretch afterwards.
