12-02-2011 Friday

Open Gym - Make up a 5, 3, 1 lift or do the following:

Warm-up: Gymnastics + handstand practice

Main Lift:

Clean & Jerk Doubles 85% max
8 sets of 2 every 2 mins

Metcon: 5 rounds

-3 handstand push-ups (or 5 ring push-ups)
-10 goblet squats 53lbs

Stretch: butterfly + quad stretch against wall



  1. Back squat (high bar, full ROM): 100x5, 115x5, 130x12

    Press: 50.5x5, 60.5x5, 70.5x12

    Did bodyweight accessory work for both lifts:
    5x5 pull-ups with two tiny red bands
    5x1 ring dips with one tiny red band, focus on external rotation
    5x10 pistols off a 16in bench (5 per leg per set)
    5x5 V-ups

    Quads are now toast, joining hamstrings which have been sore since Tuesday!
