01-16-12 Monday

5, 3, 1 Protocol De-loading Week for cycle 2

Refer to this link to figure out % of your lifts and get an overview of your 5, 3, 1 program.

Warm up:
jump-rope, position push-ups

Main Lift: Use the percentages below of your max

Bench Press (3 work sets @ listed % of max -- warm-up with bar)
Set 1: 40% x 5
Set 2: 50% x 5
Set 3: 60% x 5

Accessory work: (go light, rest 1-2min between sets) From "Triumvirate" accessory work under 5, 3, 1 programming:

-Dumbbell Bench Press - 5 sets of 15 reps
-Dumbbell Row - 5 sets of 10 reps


Metcon (sub for accessory work):
5 rounds

10 Ring-push-ups
10 Ring row or inverted row under the rack
5 toes to bar

Stretch: deep squat stretch



  1. 45 many
    80 × 5
    100 × 5
    120 × 5
    150 × 5
    170 × 3
    190 × 3 (PRed my PR), needed assistance on the third one

    Olympic lifting
    Snatch: 4 × 2 at 80%
    45 many
    75 × 2
    95 × 2
    105 × 2
    110 × 2 this was 80%, but went higher
    115 × 2
    120 × 2

    Clean and Jerk: 5 × 2 at 85%

    120 × 2
    155 × 2
    165 × 2
    175 × 2
    185 × 2× 2

    Shoulder shruggs: 3 × 8

    215 × 8
    235 × 8
    255 × 8

    Front Squats: 3 × 3

    185 × 3
    195 × 3
    205 × 3

  2. Bench: 245*3
    Oly Lifiting:
    Worked up to a power snatch at 155x2
    C&J @ 225x2
    Pwr shrugs (8 reps) @ 245, 275, 315
    Front squats (3 reps) @ 225, 245x2

  3. Oly lifts:
    Power snatch: 73x2x4 (with several misses mixed in b/c I keep screwing up the first pull)
    C&J: 103x2x5
    Power shrugs: 103x8, then with straps 153x8x2
    Front squats: 113x2, 123x1xf, 113x2x2
