01-23-12 Monday

5, 3, 1 has been working out pretty well for everyone. To shift to a more focused O-lifting cycle I think it would be a good idea to start front squats in place of back squats and keeping O-lifting Monday and or Friday. If you are going to do 2 of the main lifts, Do bench press or standing press the same day as lower body (but it would probably be a good idea to take the next day off).

Any input or posts are welcomed.

5, 3, 1 Protocol Week 1 of Cycle 3:

Refer to this link to figure out % of your lifts and get an overview of your 5, 3, 1 program.

Warm up:
jump-rope, position push-ups

Main Lift: Use the percentages below of your max

Bench Press (3 work sets @ listed % of max -- warm-up with bar)
Set 1: 65% x 5
Set 2: 75% x 5
Set 3: 85% x 5

Accessory work: (go light, rest 1-2min between sets) From "Triumvirate" accessory work under 5, 3, 1 programming:

-Dumbbell Bench Press - 5 sets of 15 reps
-Dumbbell Row - 5 sets of 10 reps


Metcon (sub for accessory work):
6 minutes AMRAP 8's

8 Elevated push-ups (on box or feet in low rings)
8 SDHP - 53KB
8 Sit-ups

Stretch: foam roll

1 comment:

  1. Started Cycle 3 of 5-3-1
    Bench Press:
    45 many
    95 × 5
    should have done one set here
    135 × 5
    160 × 5
    185 × 3 (could not do 2 more reps)

    Workout with Tom
    Clean and Jerk: 5 sets of 1 (80-85% of 1 RM (205 lbs))
    45 × 2
    95 × 2
    135 × 1
    175 × 5× 1

    Full Cleans 2 sets of 2 (90 % 1RM)
    185 lbs

    Jerks off rack: 3 sets of 2
    185 lbs
    195 lbs for last 2 sets

    Front Squats: 2 sets of 2
    First set - 225 lbs one rep then brought it
    down to 215 lbs - 225 was heavy - curved my back
    Second set - 215 lbs
