01-31-12 Tuesday

5, 3, 1 Protocol Week 2 of Cycle 3:

Refer to this link to figure out % of your lifts and get an overview of your 5, 3, 1 program.

Warm up:
air squats

Main Lift: Use the percentages below of your max

Front Squats (3 work sets @ listed % of max -- warm-up with bar)
Set 1: 70% x 3
Set 2: 80% x 3
Set 3: 90% x 3+

Accessory work: (go light, rest 1-2min between sets) From "Big but Boring" accessory work under 5, 3, 1 programming:

-Squat - 5 x 10 at 50%


Metcon Accessory Work: 10 decending (10, 9, 8, ...etc.)

-Box jump
-Dumbbell thrusters

Stretch: foam roll

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