11-01-2011 Tuesday
3x8 split jerk practice -- 1 min rest in between sets...light weight
1x5 Deadlift (take your time warming up) 5lbs more than last week or the same weight if your form isn't great. Take plenty of warm-up sets to get to your 1x5.
Reminder: You don't need to do 5reps for each warm-up set. Once it starts getting heavy just do 2-3 reps to save energy for your 5 rep max attempt
5x3 Power Clean 5lbs more than last week or the same weight if your form isn't great.
Chipper: (split reps in half if you cannot do at least 20reps at a time without rest)
*50 K.B. swings
*50 Push-ups
*50 double unders
Stretch: sit down with legs apart, have a partner push (leaning their weight on you evenly) your middle/upperback forward and down until stretch is reached...keep knees straight, 30 seconds each: 1) middle 2) reach toward left knee 3) reach toward right knee.
10-31-2011 Monday
SS Protocol
Warm up: air squats, 10 push-ups, leg swings 20 each leg, dynamic arm swings forward and back one arm @ a time
3x5 Squat (add 5lbs from last week)
3x5 Bench Press (add 5lbs from last week or keep the same if you are struggling)...use a spotter. If you have to use a spotter for all 3 sets, you should back off a bit in weight.
Chin-ups: 3 sets to failure or lat-pulldown machine 3 sets of 10
METCON 5 rounds
-10 hang-dumbbell power cleans while jumping up on box
-8 OHS (light weight) barbell or use the dumbbells from your HPC
-5 med ball slams
Stretch: quad stretch against wall, pec stretch: put hands behind head with fingers interlocked and elbows out to the side, have someone behind you pull your elbows backward towards your spine until you feel the stretch in your chest/shoulders. 1 min per side.
10-29-2011 Saturday
"Bradshaw" (5 rounds instead of 10)
5 rounds for time of:
3 Handstand push-ups
225 pound Deadlift, 6 reps
12 Pull-ups
24 Double-unders
10-28-2011 Friday
make up a workout from this week or focus on your least favorite / weakest exercise
10-27-2011 Thursday
1x5 Deadlift (take your time warming up)
5x3 Power Clean
(Metcon from Crossfitfootball)
Complete the following in the least amount of sets possible:
*50 Handstand Push Ups
*100 Pull ups
or scale down to:
Medium difficulty: 30 HSPU / 50 Pull-ups
Easier: 30 Push-ups / 50 assisted Pull-ups
10-26-2011 Wednesday
Warm up: light barbell thrusters 3x10 with bar or light weight...1 min rest in between sets
3x5 Front Squat (keep same or add 5lbs from last week)
3x5 Press (add 5lbs from last week)
Chin-ups: 3 sets to failure or lat-pulldown machine 3 sets of 10...add weight to lat pull-down if you have NOT been burning out on the last set of 10reps. The first 2 sets should feel like you could do about 2 more and the last set should be muscular failure at this point.
Use the same weight as Monday's back squat/bench workout.
METCON - 5 rounds: 7's
*7 Dumbbell Hang Cleans 40 lbs
*7 Burpees
*7 box jumps
Stretch: lacrosse ball roll / foam roll
10-25-2011 Tuesday
3x8 light push jerk or light split jerk work
1x5 Deadlift (take your time warming up) 5lbs more than last week or the same weight if your form isn't great. Take plenty of warm-up sets to get to your 1x5. You don't need to do 5reps for each warm-up set. Once it starts getting heavy just do 2-3 reps to save energy.
5x3 Power Clean 5lbs more than last week or the same weight if your form isn't great.
Metcon 5 rounds
*30 Double Unders
*15 Sit-ups
Stretch: Band stretch for hamstrings or try PNF stretching for hamstrings with a partner while laying down. This is the stretch where you resist the movement/relax/stretch further.
10-24-2011 Monday
Warm up: air squats, 10 push-ups, leg swings 20 each leg, dynamic arm swings forward and back one arm @ a time
3x5 Squat (add 5lbs from last week)...make sure you have adequate warm-up sets
3x5 Bench Press (add 5lbs from last week or keep the same if you are struggling) USE A SPOTTER if you are getting close to failure.
Chin-ups: 3 sets to failure or lat-pulldown machine 3 sets of 10...do lat pulldowns if your chin-ups/pull-ups need work and stick with it this cycle
Use the same weight as Monday's back squat/bench workout.
METCON 150 reps or scale up and try 200 total reps
Cycle between the following exercises with no rest to get 150 total reps. Try to not completely burn out on any given exercise until the end. Play to your strengths. Post time to results.
-Push ups
-K.B. Swings
-Goblet squats with same K.B.
Stretch: foam roll quads, new pec stretch: put hands behind head with fingers interlocked and elbows out to the side, have someone behind you pull your elbows backward towards your spine until you feel the stretch in your chest/shoulders. 1 min per side.
10-20-2011 Thursday
Warm up: hand stand practice, rolling somersaults, pass-throughs, tall clean with bar (drop under the bar from standing position), 3 sets of 5 GHD situps
1x5 Deadlift (take your time warming up) same weight as last workout or 5lbs more than last week
5x3 Power Clean same weight as you already did once this week or 5lbs more than last week
METCON 5 Rounds of 8's
*8 Ring Rows
*8 Toes to bar
*8 barbell or dumbbell jerk (no clean)...use 95lbs bar or around 30lbs dumbbells, adjust the weight to what you need to keep good form and speed.
Stretch: Roll out T and L-Spine
10-19-2011 Wednesday
Warm up: air squats, 10 push-ups, leg swings 20 each leg, dynamic arm swings forward and back one arm @ a time
3x5 Front Squat (add 5lbs from last week)...make sure you have adequate warm-up sets
3x5 Press (add 5lbs from last week)
Chin-ups: 3 sets to failure or lat-pulldown machine 3 sets of 10...do lat pulldowns if your chin-ups/pull-ups need work and stick with it this cycle
Use the same weight as Monday's back squat/bench workout.
METCON - 5 rounds:
*5 burpees
*5 Medball slams
*10 Kettlebell Swings
Stretch: foam rolling + quad stretch against wall
10-18-2011 Tuesday
1x5 Deadlift (take your time warming up) 5lbs more than last week
5x3 Power Clean 5lbs more than last week
Metcon: Tabata -- Perform Eight 20 second rounds (4 min per exercise)
*Row (4 mins / 8 rounds) -- count calories
*Box Jump
10-17-2011 Monday
Warm up: air squats, 10 push-ups, leg swings 20 each leg, dynamic arm swings forward and back one arm @ a time
3x5 Squat (add 5-10lbs from last week)...make sure you have adequate warm-up sets
3x5 Bench Press (add 5lbs from last week)
Chin-ups: 3 sets to failure or lat-pulldown machine 3 sets of 10...do lat pulldowns if your chin-ups/pull-ups need work and stick with it this cycle
Use the same weight as Monday's back squat/bench workout.
AMRAP 6 mins -- Kip, Push, Dub
*5 Kipping Pull Ups
*10 Push Ups
*15 Double Unders
Stretch: foam roll quads, deep squat stretch; sit in deep squat and shift weight for 1 min each side.
10-15-2011 Saturday
(aka "3 bars of death")
* Deadlift 1 1/2 BW
* Bench BW
* Clean 3/4 BW
10/9/8/7/6/5/4/3/2/1 rep
rounds for time
If you are really sore from yesterday, skip the lift you are sore from (Pick 2 exercises instead of the 3)
10-14-2011 Friday
make up a lift or follow the workout below:
SS Protocol Day 5
3x5 Squat
3x5 Bench Press
Chin-ups: 3 sets to failure or lat-pulldown machine 3 sets of 10...do lat pulldowns if your chin-ups/pull-ups need work and stick with it this cycle
Use the same weight as Monday's back squat/bench workout.
Metcon: 10! (10, 9, 8, 7, etc.)
*10! push-ups
*10! dumbbell hang power cleans (use weight light enough to have good speed)
10-13-2011 Thursday
Warm up: inch worms, bear crawl, 10 somersaults to loosen up
1x5 Deadlift
3x5 Bench Press
4 rounds for time of:
*10 KB snatch (5 each arm) - 35lbs / 15lbs if you're new to the movement...keep movement fast as possible
*10 Kipping pull-ups
*15 ab mat sit ups or 8 GHD situps
Stretch: hamstring band stretch or sit down in split with knees straight and have someone push down and forward. exhale as you stretch to stretch further (2 mins.)
10-12-2011 Wednesday
Warm up: air squats, 10 push-ups, leg swings
3x5 Front Squat
3x5 Standing Press
3x10 lat-pull down or 3x max sets pull ups
Metcon: 5 rounds
*5 Medicine ball slams
*7 Ring Dips (or dips over box)
10-11-2011 Tuesday
1x5 Deadlift (take your time warming up)
5x3 Power Clean
Try RDL's this training cycle if you want to try something different.
Metcon: 5 rounds
*7 Kipping pullups
*10 Box Jumps (or 5 high box jumps)
*10 sit-ups
10-10-2011 Monday
Warm up: air squats, 10 push-ups, leg swings
3x5 Squat
3x5 Bench Press
Chin-ups: 3 sets to failure or add weight if completing more than 15 reps
...if you cannot do more than 5 chin-ups in a row, I am strongly recommending you take advantage of the lat-pulldown machine and work with 3 sets of 10 for this entire lifting cycle in place of chin-ups.
I want everyone to warm-up as usual, but when selecting the weight you are using for your work sets across, keep it at a weight that is difficult but allows you really great form.
Metcon: 21, 15, 9
*Kettlebell swings
Stretch: foam roll quads, lying down on the ground chest stretch / lacrosse ball rolling on pecs for 3-5 mins.
The Metcons of this cycle will be pretty quick. If you want to gain strength and size, you definitely do not need metcons in your programming, so do them as you see fit. This program will have you squatting about 3x a week and on top of that you will be alternating on some of the same days you are squatting with bench press or press, as well as power cleans or deadlifts.
10-08-2011 Saturday
5 Rounds for time:
10 Dumbbell hang squat cleans (about 30lbs)
10 toes to bar
5 dips
10-06-2011 Thursday
3 mins skin the cat practice / bar muscle up practice on straight bar or rings, 3x8 inverted ring rows
Lift: Deadlift 6x2 heavy doubles -- if you're sore and recovering, do a 3x10 protocol with a light weight. If you didn't try last week's concentric only modification, give it a try this week: -- when the weight feels really heavy around the 4th or 5th set, drop the bar from standing position and reset then repeat.
Thursday Chipper increasing by 5
*10 medicine ball slams
*15 dumbbell thrusters (30-40)
*20 burpees
*25 K.B. swings
*30 air squats
Foam roll T spine, Lat stretch (while on knees) on box
10-05-2011 Wednesday
-12 alternating lunges with rotation over front knee, 2 mins jump rope, pass throughs
Lift: Power Clean – 5x3
Rest 2 mins in between sets.
then, if you have the energy, a conditioning workout:
5 rounds of the following for time:
10 KB shoulder presses (alternating, 5 each side per round)
10 jumping knee tucks (jump in the air, bring knees to chest)
20 Double unders or singles
10-04-2011 Tuesday
2 mins jump rope. walking lunges with twist over front leg, pick knee up, hug, and pull up towards chest, hold for 1 sec and alternate 10 times.
Lift: Band Back Squat 5x5 -- same weight as last week...do w/out band if you have been.
5 rounds, 1 min on, 1 min off
-Cycle as fast as you can between movements. Pick up where you left off after rest interval and add rounds after the 10 min metcon.
*10 Dumbbell hang power cleans (moderate weight)
*5 135lbs Romanian deadlifts (straight legged, knees only slightly unlocked)
Stretch: quad rolling, hamstring band stretch (make sure opposite knee is not bent)
10-03-2011 Monday
-over and backs, 10 position push-ups, shoulder swings (dynamic), hand stand push-up holds (3 sets of 20 seconds) or hand-stand practice
Bench Press 4 x 6-8 reps acsending weights
increase weight by 5-10lbs each set
Example: Warm-up sets, then: 145x8, 155x8, 160x6, 165x6
Lift #2: Close grip barbell press 2x20 at a light weight that you can move quickly. Grip the barbell more narrow than your bench grip, elbows slightly more in than when you bench. (use same weight as last week)
"1/2 Cindy" AMRAP 10 mins
-15 Air squats
-10 Push-ups
-5 kipping pull-ups
Stretch: lying down on the ground chest stretch / lacrosse ball rolling on pecs for 3-5 mins. partner assisted shoulder stretch. (form 90 degrees w/ elbow joint while lying on back...have partner drive forearm and hand downward, apply pressure to front shoulder...1.5 mins each side.