02-10-12 Friday / 02-11-12 Saturday

Open Gym Friday/Saturday

Make up a 5, 3, 1 workout or:

21-15-9 reps, for time of the following:

-Thruster 95lbs


  1. 5/3/1 Deadlift:
    Hit 405# for a set of 3. Very happy, stronger than I was before the injury.

    The Chief:
    5 rounds of:
    AMRAP in 3 minutes of
    3 x 135# clean
    6 pushups
    9 air squats
    Rest 1 minute

    I think I hit 4 every round, a little bit of change in a few rounds. Might have gotten 5 in the first/second, but probably not :).

  2. It was actually 3 rounds every time, I just can't count!

  3. Fran
    Got it on tape.
    Off to die now.

  4. Adam, that's incredible! Beat your previous time, no?

  5. Attemped Barbara - did 3 rounds instead of 5 rounds as prescribed!
    20 Pull ups
    30 Push Ups
    40 Sit-ups
    50 air squats
    Time: 21:57 mins.

    Push ups and sit ups were hard for me. Not having done sit ups in a long time I was cramping during the workout. Push ups have become stronger than before, but still need a lot of work!
