02-20-12 Monday

Those of whom want to do another cycle of 5, 3, 1 go ahead. We can try to shift to a Greg Everett Cycle to increase the O-Lifts. I will post from his "Quick and Classic" cycles for 4 weeks unless anyone has any different ideas.

Greg Everett Quick and Classic Cycle Week 1:

For exercise demos click here


* Snatch - 5 x 3 (~70-80%)
* Snatch pull - 4 x 4
* Pause back squat - 4 x 3

Feel out weights for each exercise that are challenging but not max efforts.
This will be a quick 4-week cycle working to max snatch and CJs on Saturday of week 4.

Metcon: 4 rounds

-21 box jumps
-15 kipping pull ups
-9 cleans (95lbs/135lbs)



  1. Bench Press:
    45 many
    95 × 5
    125 × 5
    145 × 5
    165 × 7

    Workout with Tom
    Snatch: 4 sets of 2 (70-75% of 1 RM (145 lbs))
    45 × 2
    75 × 2
    95 × 1
    105 × 4× 2

    Clean and Jerks 5 sets of 1 (upto 90 % 1RM)
    135 × 1
    155 × 1
    165 × 1
    175 × 1
    185 × 1

    High pulls 3 sets of 3 (105%)
    215 lbs

    Power Shrugs 2 sets of 8 (110-120%)
    225 lbs
    235 lbs

    Front Squats: 5 sets of 1
    135 × 1
    185 × 1
    195 × 1
    205 × 1
    215 × 1
    225 × 1
    235 × 1
    Need to work on getting a slight bounce instead of stopping mid way and then ascending!

  2. ^ditto minus bench press and last set of front squats. tried high pulls at 205, was not able to get good form on these, need more practice

  3. Tried out this metcon, but only got two rounds before I had to leave. Took 13:45, used 18in box and 95lb cleans. Full cleans are so hard!!! Must do more.
