02-16-12 Friday / 02-17-12 Saturday

Open Gym Friday / Saturday

50's Chipper for time: (modified and adapted from "Filthy Fifty" WOD)

-50 box jumps
-50 jumping pull-ups
-50 Kettlebell swings
-50 Push press, 45 pounds
-50 Double unders


  1. 5/3/1 Power Cleans:
    8 x 205#
    I didn't know how this would go because there is some inherent rest time when I drop the bar. I just tried to keep moving and go from one clean to the next, and it worked pretty well, as I failed on the 9th attempt.

    Did Tuesday's metcon @ 135# per Adam's recommendation. 7 minutes, pretty brutal. Had to stay very tight to keep from dropping the bar on the OHS.

  2. Deadlifts:
    145 x 5
    185 x 5
    275 x 3 (screwed up weights...can't explain how that happened)
    145 x 5
    185 x 5
    220 x 5

    Fran: 21,15,9
    95 lbs Thurster
    pull ups
    Did it in 7:20 mins - dropped a minute from my previous time. Still have long ways to go!!

  3. Barbara

    Wow. That was way harder than I thought it would be. Things completely fell apart in rounds 4&5. Sit ups were way harder than they should be. Crossfit games here I come?!
