10-01-2011 Saturday

"1/2 Barbara" (if you want to do the CF mainsite Rx, double reps plus 1 extra min rest)

* 10 Pull-ups
* 15 Push-ups
* 20 Sit-ups
* 25 Squats

Rest two minutes between each round. 5 rounds, time each round

post times to comments

09-30-2011 Friday

Open Gym!

make up a lift you missed this week

09-29-2011 Thursday


3 mins double unders, skin the cat practice on straight bar or rings, 3x8 ring rows

Lift: Deadlift 5x3 ascending, use 85-90% max -- to try a new technique, when you get to a really heavy 3 around the 4th or 5th set, drop the bar from standing position and reset then repeat. Some people use this concentric only technique to break a deadlift plateau.

the lift could go something like this:

warm up 2 or 3 sets @ 5-8reps @ moderate ascending weight

set#1 = 255x3

set#2 = 265x3

set#3 = 275x3

set#4 and 5 = 285x3 (drop bar at top of each DL while standing)

Tabata! 4 mins each exercise

20 seconds on, 10 seconds off (8 rounds) of the following:

-Tabata Row erg.

-Tabata Kettlebell swing 53lbs

post time to comments!

Wednesday's 5x5 Clean Videos

Joey Clean

Cody Clean

Adam Clean

Ryan Clean


09-28-2011 Wednesday

-12 alternating lunges with rotation over front knee, 2 mins jump rope, pass throughs

Lift: (full) Clean – 5x5

If you are not used to doing (full) cleans, use a weight that allows you to push up out of the hole without bowing your back and leaning forward. The weight you use should feel difficult but not impossible. If you are sticking with power-cleans for this cycle, use 80% of your max.

Rest 2 mins in between sets.

5 rounds of the following for time:

10 ring push ups
10 toes to bar
5 OHS (75lbs) -- use 55 for light, or 95 for heavy

I will probably be there today (Weds.) for 6:30 class

check out the Catalyst Power Output Calculator


09-27-2011 Tuesday


Max box jump practice / attempt

Lift: Band Back Squat 5x5 -- or normal back squat (heavier than last week by 10lbs if you did the 4x6 workout)

Push 10! (10, 9, 8, 7, etc. to 1)


-95lbs/65 Push-Press -- push-jerk if you get burned out doing push press

post time to comments!

Stretch: quad rolling, sit in low as possible squat and lean on each side for 1min each side


09-26-2011 Monday


-over and backs, 10 position push-ups, shoulder swings (dynamic), hand stand practice while your shoulders are fresh!

Bench Press 4x6 sets across
this weight should feel heavy but you should only burn out on the last set if at all. after your warm-up, the weight you use should feel like you could complete 8 reps, but the 8th rep would need assistance. Punch the weight up from your cfhest.

Example: Warm-up, 135lbs x10, 165x8, 175x4x6

Lift #2: Close grip barbell press 2x20 at a light weight that you can move quickly. Grip the barbell more narrow than your bench grip, elbows slightly more in than when you bench.


"Seven's" 7 min AMRAP

-7 Air squats

-7 Dumbbell HP-Cleans (heavy!)

-7 Ring push-ups

Stretch: lying down on the ground chest stretch / lacrosse ball rolling on pecs for 3-5 mins. then grab an assistance band and pretend you're a pitcher and you're winding up. Your arm should be all the way back so you feel a nice stretch in your front deltoid and pecs.


09-25-2011 Sunday

Rest Day!

09-24-2011 Saturday

Warm up: 5 mins shadow boxing or heavy bag punching/kicking. Hit light and go for speed. We will be shifting gears into a new training phase at the beginning or middle of October. Mark Rip.'s Starting Strength was suggested as a good direction to take. What does everyone think? The format is online. I would be happy to still post wokouts with custom metcons FYI. Any suggestions and input would be greatly appreciated. Post comments to this post or tomorrow's rest day post!


50-40-30-20 and 10 rep rounds of:


09-23-2011 Friday

Open Gym

Skill Work: Take 10 mins to work on a skill. If you haven't tried band squats or box squats, try them out.


Make up a lift you missed this week


09-22-2011 Thursday


3 mins double unders, kiping swings 3x8 chest to bar or assisted chin-ups,

Lift: Deadlift 5x5, use 80-85% try 10lbs more than last week or if your back is shaky or messed up, do light sets of 3x8 with perfect form as long as there is no pain

then if you're still feeling lively:

Rowing Chipper (total of 2,000m row)

-Row 500m then do 20 Push-ups

-Row 500m then do 20 SDHP (go heavy)

-Row 500m then do 20 sit-ups

-Row 500m then finish with 20 K.B. swings

Stretch: Foam roll back really well


09-21-2011 Wednesday

-3 mins jump rope, Pass throughs, 10 tall cleans (standing position, move under bar quickly)

Lift: Power Clean – Triples 5x3; use 80-85%

Rest 2 mins in between sets.

8 mins AMRAP, post # of rounds to comments

5 Ring Push-ups
5 one handed dumbbell snatch each arm (25 or 40)

Assisted stretch: partner shoulder stretch, apply downward pressure to shoulder, partner being stretched should have elbow high making a 90 degree angle

see you tomorrow


09-20-2011 Tuesday


-10 overhead squat
-6 attempts at max broad jump

Lift: Band Back Squat 4x6 (5-10lbs more than last week)


5 rounds for time:

*5 reps Weighed step ups (12'' or 24'' box) 5 each leg in a row (45 or 95lbs barbell resting on back)

*15 reps sit-ups

*5 reps medicine ball slams (throw ball with all force on ground)

Stretch: quad rolling, quad stretch against wall, deep lunge stretch


Lift Coaching Tuesdays

Tomorrow night at 6:45 Tom Dilliplane will coach whoever shows up on the Olympic lifts etc. (C&J, snatch, squat, press etc). He recommended 4 consecutive weeks and my plan is to just pay him up front the $40/session x 4 sessions. Anyone that comes can settle up with me based on how many people we have that week...

So that is 4 Tuesday nights starting tomorrow.

09-19-2011 Monday


-over and backs, 10 push-ups, shoulder swings (dynamic) 10 back 10 forward each arm

Lift #1: Bench Press 4 sets ascending weight by 5-10 lbs.

Rep scheme: 12, 10, 8, 6 (increase weight each set while maintaining speed and ROM)

Example: Warm-up, 135lbs x12, 145lbsx10, 160x8, 165x6.

Lift #2: Close grip barbell press 2x20 at the same weight. Grip the barbell more narrow than your bench grip, elbows slightly more in than when you bench.


21, 15, 9 for Time

-Goblet Squat (K.B., 53 or 35)

-Dumbbell Push-Press (20lbs or 45lbs)

-Kipping pull up

Stretch: lying down on the ground chest stretch / lacrosse ball rolling on pecs.


09-18-2011 Sunday

Rest Day

09-17-2011 Saturday


In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. Crossfit uses a 3 or a 5 round versions. The stations are:

  1. Wall-ball: 20 pound ball, 10 ft target. (Reps)
  2. Sumo deadlift high-pull: 75 pounds (Reps)
  3. Box Jump: 20" box (Reps)
  4. Push-press: 75 pounds (Reps)
  5. Row: calories (Calories)

The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. On call of "rotate," the athlete/s must move to next station immediately for good score. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point.

09-16-2011 Friday

Open Gym

Skill Work: Take 10 mins to work on a skill like muscle ups, hollow rocking, pull-ups, or hand stand push-ups or hand stand push-up holds.


Make up a lift you missed this week:

then if you've still got energy try a METCON from this week or the following:

Test your max on one of these: push ups, pull-ups, box jump

I should be in the gym around 4ish, if there are any skills that you're working on and you want an opinion on form, or you want progression advice I'd be happy to see if I can help.


09-15-2011 Thursday


-Muscle up or kipping pull up practice on bar, work on generating a good swing and quickly pulling up as if you were grabbing onto the top bar of the rack above you. Practice for 3 mins.

- 3x8 chest to bar pull-ups OR assisted pull-ups (20 reps) -- get a total of 20 reps broken down into manageable sets -- maybe 4, 4, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1. Take 5 mins to do this.

Lift: Deadlift 5x5, use 80-85% or if the heavy weight is bothering your back try an easy 3 sets of 8. Rest 2 min between sets.

then if you're still feeling lively:

"20's" Chipper for time

-20 Front squats (65 or 95lbs)

-20 Push-presses (65 or 95)

-20 K.B. swings (53 or 35)

-20 double unders or singles

lat stretch on box (knees on ground, cow position, elbows on box), plenty of foam rolling


09-14-2011 Wednesday

-3 mins jump rope, Pass throughs, 10 OHS, 10 tall cleans (standing position, move under bar quickly)

Lift: Power Clean – Quick doubles 6x2; use 65-70%

-Once you power clean and stand up, lower the bar back to hang position without dropping it to complete the second rep. Make sure to stand up each time.
6x2 (2-2-2-2-2-2) rest 1-2 mins in between sets.

*Tabata This! (with push-ups and Sit-ups) 20 on 10 off for 8 intervals, then switch exercises and repeat

*For twenty seconds do as many reps of the assigned exercise as you can - then rest 10 seconds.
Repeat this seven more times for a total of 8 intervals, 4 minutes total exercise.
The score is the least number of reps for any of the eight intervals.

*If you will not be making it on Thursday, replace sit-ups with rowing erg. or kipping pull-ups as we will be doing a pull workout tomorrow)

Assisted stretch: while sitting, stretch legs as far apart as possible and have a partner push down in middle back area while you reach for the center. Hold for 2 minutes. This feels pretty good.

I should be at UA tomorrow @ 6:30 for a rare appearance :)


09-13-2011 Tuesday


-15 airsquats, 20 leg swings forward, Coccyx active stretch

Lift: Band Back Squat 4x6 (match your weight last week or if it was too hard back off a bit) -- your sets of 6 should be quicker than if you were doing a 5x5. Go for speed out of “the hole” which is the bottom of your squat.


5 rounds for time:

-20 double unders

-15 box jumps (or 5 thirty-six in. jumps)

-10 dumbbell hang power clean (moderate)

Stretch: quad rolling, quad stretch against wall


09-12-2011 Monday


-10 push-ups

-10 diamond push-ups (hands close together, elbows tucked)

Lift #1: Bench Press 4 sets ascending weight by 5-10 lbs.

Rep scheme: 15, 12, 10, 8 (increase weight each set while maintaining speed and ROM)

Example: Warm-up, 135lbsx15, 145lbsx12, 155x10, 160x8.

Lift #2: Close grip dumbbell press 2x20 (12 or 30lbs D.B.)


5,4,3,2,1 for Time

-Handstand Push-up (double reps if you are substituting push-ups)

-Sumo Deadlift High Pull (SDHP) with 53 K.B. or 95lbs barbell

-Chest to bar Pull-ups or Chin-ups

Stretch: lying down on the ground chest stretch / lacrosse ball rolling on pecs.


09-10-2011 Saturday

Warm-up: Jog 400m, inchworms, back mobility

"Fran" 21-15-9 reps, for time

- Thruster 95 lbs (or 45lbs)

then try 3x6 of GHD sit-ups

Cool down: lat stretch on box, hamstring band stretch, lacrosse ball rolling

09-09-2011 Friday

Open Gym!

Make up a lift from this week or if you made it to class Tues, Weds, and Thurs, I strongly suggest if you are new to benching that you continue with our bench press progression below because success will not come with 1 lift every 2 weeks.

Side notes: If there is a METCON that feels too hard, or your proficiency with the movement (like K.B. snatch) is poor, then skip it or lower the weight to something you feel is sustainable. I don’t want these workouts to make you feel defeated. I want this cycle of programming to help you develop increased rate of force development. We'll only really heavy for now with O-Lifts. Opt for lighter weights with faster movements. I mainly want to develop some proficiency in speed but fix any and all bad habits like rounding the back during deadlifts, leaning too far forward with squats and half reps with pull-ups.


- Bench Press 4x10 (full ROM, fast),

-Lying down close grip dumbbell press 2x20 (palms face each other, light weight, about 12lbs for inexperienced benchers and 30lbs for stronger folks). The weight is lowered down to the arm-pit area and punched up to the top in rapid succession.


Ring dips 4x6 OR Bench dips 4x6 (put heel of palm on edge of bench, fingers facing forward, lower yourself until triceps are parallel with floor then punch up).


09-08-2011 Thurs

Warm up:

Row 1,000 meters, 15 air squats, 10 push-ups

Lifts: Inverted Row (ring row) or Inverted row below the squat rack / Pull-up

3 sets of 12(1-2 mins rest in between sets) Inverted rows AND Pull-ups

If you are doing inverted rows under the squat rack, lower the bar about hip height and slide underneath, the bar should touch your chest where it does if you were bench pressing (about sternum level). Use an assisted band across your back, you can hook one or two bands around so it can assist you at your weakest. Pinch your shoulder blades together at the top like you're squeezing a piece of fruit between your shoulder blades.

METCON: 5 rounds of

5 Deadlifts (95 or 185)
5 jumping over bar burpees (don't need to clap, just jump over the bar and complete a push-up)


2 x Max bar hold hang position + miscellaneous stretching


09-07-2011 Wednesday

Warm up: Do each of the following 2x through

10 Bar overhead squats

10 Bar presses

10 Bar bent over row

10 kipping swings

Lift: Clean/Jerk Doubles (Power clean or full clean)

10 sets of 2 @ 80%, (2 mins rest in between)

If you are up for trying something new, try tall cleans. Tall cleans are where you deadlift the bar up, then instead of lowering it to hang position, you simply move under it while pulling upward. There is very little swing. Try with a lighter weight first, but many people can lift almost as much as they can power clean with this position.


20, 16, 10 of:

-Pullups (assisted or kipping)

-Toes to bar

-Kettlebell snatch (or swing if you haven't learned snatch yet)...spit reps up half each arm


-Miscellaneous stretching + quad rolling if you are sore from yesterday. Try stretching your shoulder with the band, the position looks like you're about to throw a pitch and stretches the shoulder and chest area good.


09-06-2011 Tuesday

Warm up:

Cat/cow and cobra position

Turkish get-up practice, try barbell or K.B., 3 sets 5 each arm.

15 K.B. swings overhead

Lift: Band Assisted Squat (use green band) 4 x 6 fast

Loop the green bands around the top of the squat rack just like you would for assisted chin-ups. Pull the loops on both sides of the barbell. Place it on the outside where the collar is supposed to be. The green band will provide approximately 145lbs of help "in the hole" which is at the bottom of your squat. Work on accelerating as fast as possible from the bottom of your squat to the top. The weight you use should be at least your 5x5 weight or higher. When you get to your lowest, it will feel super easy/light, try to accelerate back to the top quickly and imagine pushing the bar off your shoulders with all your strength. Use a spotter (behind you assisting at the lats if you roll backwards on your heels too much). Have fun with this, I really enjoy them!


-15 Box jumps
-15 K.B. swings (53, or 35)
-15 Sit-ups


-Deep lunge stretch, hold for 1 min, quad stretch + calf stretch against wall



UA will be closed Sunday and Monday for the holiday. If anyone wants to get together for a track meeting on either of those days, please post to comments.


09-03-2011 Saturday

Warm up:

400m jog, figure 8's with light K.B., 10 K.B. one arm swings

Lift: Pull-up progression

1.) If you can do 10 pull-ups in a row, do 3 sets of 6-8 chest to bar. Focus on quick movement

2.) If you can do 4-8, get a total of 20 reps ex: 3x7, 4x5, or 5x4

If you use an assistance band, do one of the above, but focus on full, fast movement from the bottom to the top.

METCON: "Frankenstein " 5 rounds for time: use a mod-heavy weight

-20 double unders or singles
-10 dumbbell hang power clean
-5 dumbbell box squats (hold dumbbells in front squat position, wide stance, sit down on box, explode back up) use 12'' box or stack some bumper plates


-Deep lunge stretch, hold for 1 min, miscellaneous lacrosse ball rolling, use band to stretch hamstrings if tight from deadlifts.


09-02-2011 Friday

Open Gym

Make up a lift from earlier in the week or try out the following:

Warm up:

Split lunge alternate in and out, kipping swings, toy soldier march, run outside 1 lap

Lift: Deadlift

4 sets x 6 reps, every 2 minutes complete 6 reps at 75 or 80% max (if you have not been doing deadlifts do not lift heavy, and avoid any weight that will round your back).


METCON: 21, 15, 9 reps of the following: (use 35 or 53 for SDHP)

-K.B. Sumo-deadlift-high pull
-Bent over dumbbell rows (pull dumbbells toward armpits) OR Ring rows
-Toes to bar

then Row 1,000 meters as additional conditioning


-Partner hamstring stretch, walk the persons leg back until they develop tears, hold for 1 min each leg, try partner calf stretch while you are stretching their hamstrings.