09-09-2011 Friday

Open Gym!

Make up a lift from this week or if you made it to class Tues, Weds, and Thurs, I strongly suggest if you are new to benching that you continue with our bench press progression below because success will not come with 1 lift every 2 weeks.

Side notes: If there is a METCON that feels too hard, or your proficiency with the movement (like K.B. snatch) is poor, then skip it or lower the weight to something you feel is sustainable. I don’t want these workouts to make you feel defeated. I want this cycle of programming to help you develop increased rate of force development. We'll only really heavy for now with O-Lifts. Opt for lighter weights with faster movements. I mainly want to develop some proficiency in speed but fix any and all bad habits like rounding the back during deadlifts, leaning too far forward with squats and half reps with pull-ups.


- Bench Press 4x10 (full ROM, fast),

-Lying down close grip dumbbell press 2x20 (palms face each other, light weight, about 12lbs for inexperienced benchers and 30lbs for stronger folks). The weight is lowered down to the arm-pit area and punched up to the top in rapid succession.


Ring dips 4x6 OR Bench dips 4x6 (put heel of palm on edge of bench, fingers facing forward, lower yourself until triceps are parallel with floor then punch up).


1 comment:

  1. 175lbs c/j, 10 sets 2
    max box jump 7 sets ascending to 56-58in
