3 mins double unders, kiping swings 3x8 chest to bar or assisted chin-ups,
Lift: Deadlift 5x5, use 80-85% try 10lbs more than last week or if your back is shaky or messed up, do light sets of 3x8 with perfect form as long as there is no pain
then if you're still feeling lively:
Rowing Chipper (total of 2,000m row)
-Row 500m then do 20 Push-ups
-Row 500m then do 20 SDHP (go heavy)
-Row 500m then do 20 sit-ups
-Row 500m then finish with 20 K.B. swings
Did some pull-up negatives, then deadlift 185x5x5 -- back rounded a bit in rep 5 of each set. Metcon with 53lb KB SDLHP and 36lb KB swings. Tough day overall!
315x5 (x4)
Kind of ran out of time for set 5, plus back was rounding, energy depleting, and hands ripping.
Metcon 53#KB
Rowed around 1:50-1:55
I like the longer rowing workouts, because it shows you very quickly where your form disintegrates.