09-10-2011 Saturday

Warm-up: Jog 400m, inchworms, back mobility

"Fran" 21-15-9 reps, for time

- Thruster 95 lbs (or 45lbs)

then try 3x6 of GHD sit-ups

Cool down: lat stretch on box, hamstring band stretch, lacrosse ball rolling


  1. Fran as Rx'd for females:65# thrusters, pu
    15:35. Pullups were one at a time. Happy to be able to do it as Rx'd, though!

  2. Melissa and Allie rocked it! I did it with 45# and band-assisted pull-ups with the fattest band (and not all of them were perfect) and got 9:19. I may move up on the thrusters next time we do Fran...

    Also, JD, Melissa, Allie and I were thinking 11 am on 9/17 for Fight Gone Bad. That is the earliest they'll be open.


  3. It was fun working out with you Julie! You really blasted through those thrusters!

    Did Fran as Rx'd (yay!) in 11:40, though I suspect that some reps might not have made it past the judges. Having to wait to re-charge after every pull-up really makes this into a different workout than it's supposed to be, but gotta do more pull-ups to get better at pull-ups!

    Speaking of pull-ups, this video of Jason Khalipa and his wife teaching the Kipping pull-up is really good: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-cTAJnIGm6c
