09-29-2011 Thursday


3 mins double unders, skin the cat practice on straight bar or rings, 3x8 ring rows

Lift: Deadlift 5x3 ascending, use 85-90% max -- to try a new technique, when you get to a really heavy 3 around the 4th or 5th set, drop the bar from standing position and reset then repeat. Some people use this concentric only technique to break a deadlift plateau.

the lift could go something like this:

warm up 2 or 3 sets @ 5-8reps @ moderate ascending weight

set#1 = 255x3

set#2 = 265x3

set#3 = 275x3

set#4 and 5 = 285x3 (drop bar at top of each DL while standing)

Tabata! 4 mins each exercise

20 seconds on, 10 seconds off (8 rounds) of the following:

-Tabata Row erg.

-Tabata Kettlebell swing 53lbs

post time to comments!

Wednesday's 5x5 Clean Videos

Joey Clean

Cody Clean

Adam Clean

Ryan Clean



  1. Worked out with Adam at 6:30pm

    Got up to 185 x 3 on the deadlift. That is 20# more than my last DL.

    Tabata: 9 reps @ 25# + 3 calories = 12 total.

  2. Pulled a few back levers during warm up

    Figured I would do RDLs to work on my back rounding.

    185x3 (x3)
    205x3 (x2)

    Not sure if I am doing them right, but my back got a good workout.

    9 reps, 7 calories

  3. I dig RDLs a lot. I never cycled out of them after 5 years of doing them ha. Definitely can imagine how those can help with back rounding though.
