03-16-12 Friday

Greg Everett Quick and Classic Cycle Week 4:


* Power snatch - 60% x 1 x 8
* Power clean & jerk - 60% x 1 x 8

Metcon: (from Crossfit Football)

Complete 5 rounds:

1 Push Press - 185 lbs
1 Strict Pull Up
3 Push Presses - 185 lbs
3 Strict Pull Ups
Max Reps of Push Press - 185 lbs
Max Reps of Strict Pull Ups

*Rest 90 seconds between rounds

Post number from max rep push press + pull ups of each round to comments.


1 comment:

  1. Oly lifting:
    Kept it light, got some nice reps in
    Power Snatch: 5@135
    Power C&J: 5@175
    Clean Pulls: 3x2@225
    Fran in 6 mins.
    Lots of excuses, but nobody cares. Needs to be faster.
